Feeds 1 to 2 people
1 medium potato cubed
1/4 cup of any four vegetables (ie. 1/4 cup peas, 1/4 cup sweet corn, 1/4 cup red pepper, and 1/4 cup cabbage).
-Sweet Corn
Optional: Cheese
Two tablespoons margarine/butter or oil.
Directions: Pre heat BBQ on low to medium heat. Take one piece of tin foil. Cut up potato and other vegetables and place on tin foil. In summer use vegetables that are in season or use vegetables that you enjoy. Put margarine/butter or oil on top of vegetables. Wrap foil around vegetables, keep packet as flat as possible.
Wrap a second piece of foil around the original packet. Place on BBQ. It takes about 45 minutes. Test to see if it is done by piercing a potato, when fork slides in easily, packets are done. Put cheese on
I do something similar, but it is more of a stew. I include bite size pieces of stew meat, veggies, and use mushroom soup for the sauce. Stew packets, as we call them, are one of our camping meals staples.