On Wednesday (May 8) Chloe starting acting really strange. She was pawing the ground and staring into space. Her favorite position was standing in a corner facing the wall. I was expecting her to have her kids around May 17 (which would have been the 145th day) so I wasn't sure if this was labor or not. I fed her some Alfalfa and she ate it so I knew she was okay. I had read a lot about goat labor, but I found the more I read the more confused I got.
Picture was taken April 8th. |
On Thursday she was doing the same thing as Wednesday. Than late in the afternoon she was sort of pushing so I figured it had to be soon. I got a lawn chair and sat down to watch whether anything was going to happen. All of a sudden she flopped on the ground on her stomach and started twisting her heads in all directions. In a short time 3 kids were born. A first timer with triplets. One was stillborn, the second had weak kid syndrome, and the third was healthy. At around two hours old he was chasing the rooster and his hens around the pen.
About 1 hour and 45 minutes after birth. |
The second one I tried to get it to drink from nipple and the bottle and it didn't want to drink. I tried to get it to eat every four hours (at birth, 7:30pm, 11:30pm, 3:30am) and when I went back at 7:45am it was wobbly walking around. It looked like it had sea legs. It was really nice to see it walking around. I still needed to help it find the nipple, but it was sucking which was a relief.
Their temp names are Rocky and Oreo. I will be selling them at the end of October. |
May 12th the kids are doing wonderful. They are jumping around outside and are extremely cute. Now it's Besty's turn. We still don't know if she is just fat or pregnant.
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