My favorite herb is mint and I grow 9 varieties of mint and am always looking for new varieties. There are over 600 hundred varieties of mint. I love making tea with mint using a tea infuser and my favorite combo is chocolate mint and orange mint, delicious. If you like a sweeter tea trying adding a fresh Stevia leaf.
I also love making jelly with mint and experimenting with different flavors. Mint can be used in so many different ways and that is why I love this herb. Mint is invasive and hence should be grown in pots so you won't have a garden of mint. Instead of secretly leaving zucchini on your neighbor's doorstep, you will be leaving mint leaves. My mint plants are $3.25 a pot and my jellies are $3.50/125 ml and $6.50/250 ml.
The varieties of mint I grow are:
Apple Mint – Tall sturdy stems with large, fuzzy, grey-green leaves
that smell slightly of apple and has white flowers in summer.
Chocolate Mint – This herb has a dark, green foliage. It tolerates hot,
dry conditions and is not as invasive as most mints. A nice desert mint!
Ginger Mint – Is an ornamental and aromatic mint, with lightly
variegated leaves and a delicate hint of ginger. Performs best with
protection from hot, afternoon sun.
Peppermint – The most famous of all mints, it requires little care and makes excellent teas and candy. This spreading plant has a sharp, penetrating yet pleasant, mint aroma. It grows 1 to 2 feet high,
Pineapple Mint – Is a very pretty mint and has variegated foliage and a light
pineapple scent. Pineapple mint can be used with lamb, fruit salads, and teas. Works well in
mixed pots with other herbs.
Spearmint – One of the most intensely fresh mints, milder than peppermint, it is used in sauces, jellies, salads, dips, and teas. This is considered one of the most
popular and versatile garden Mint. Spearmint has a fruity aroma and
flavor and blends well in many foods.
Orange Mint- Has a citrusy aroma and flavor, and is slightly spicier than other mints. It makes
a wonderful addition to iced tea, fruit desserts, and potpourris.
English Mint- Has a mild mint taste. Is really good with meat dishes.
Mint Mojito
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