Friday, April 4, 2014

Have fun with your group at the Scarecrow Forest.

We are still booking groups for the 2014 season.  The Scarecrow Forest would love to have a very busy summer and fall so we are looking for groups to book an outing to our place.  We open May 20 and go til the end of October.  At the Forest your group can walk the Scarecrow path and look at child friendly scarecrows (Goldilocks, Little Bo Peep, etc.).  Than you can expend some energy on the bales of fun with 3 slides.  Feed Billy the goat some corn and pet a baby horse (colt), baby goats (kids), kittens, and some chicks.  If you would like we can give a talk on pumpkins (from how we prepare to the garden til they turn ripe) and a talk on chickens or cows.  We have a gorgeous picnic area for your group to have a picnic lunch.  For more information please check our website: or give Shirley a call at 204-371-5556.  We would love to see your group at the Scarecrow Forest.

Cost is $8.00 per person (which includes one activity train ride, zip line, duck races, etc.) and most groups spend between 3 to 4 hours here.  Groups should be 20 or more (if you have a smaller group please give Shirley a call and she can work something out with you).  The Scarecrow Forest is your farm for family friendly fun.

Chloe and Besty, the girl goats who are expecting kids this month.

Jenny with her new colt (male foal).

The giant corn box.

The Scarecrow Forest path.

The Scarecrow Forest staff.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Social Media Sites equals Confusion

I have been looking at various ways of advertisiting for the Scarecrow Forest and I never knew that there was this many social media sites.  I have tried a few and my wish is that they would join together and be one.  I'm guess that wish would be the same as wishing that all countries would join together and be one.  So I've decided to just focus on the easier ones and put my time and energy into them.

Social Media Sites:

Twitter:  The Scarecrow Forest is not on it and will never be on it.  LOL.  I don't understand hashtags and tweets.  This one confuses me to much so I'm not ready to decode this one.

Google Plus:  I have tried this one and I've found people weren't engaging on the Scarecrow Forest's page so I have let this one go static.  If people do stumble on the page all the information on the Scarecrow Forest is there.

Facebook:  I regularly use this one and have two pages: The Scarecrow Forest and Penner Pumpkins.  I find facebook easy to use, but find it hard to get people to engage with and interact with the content I post.

Tumblr:  This is a new one I have recently started experimenting with and time will tell if it works.  You can find us here: The Scarecrow Forest.

Instagram:  This is another new one I am experimenting with.  I love taking pictures and looking at pictures so I'm thinking this one should be fun.  To see pictures I have posted search for The Scarecrow Forest or Penner Pumpkins.

Blogs:  As you can tell I don't regularly blog.  I love writing, but find it hard finding relevant content to write about.

Check out The Scarecrow Forest on the various social media sites and please don't be afraid to follow, like, comment, or whatever you are suppose to do the site.  I love when people engage with the content I post.
