Friday, March 15, 2013

History of Penner Pumpkins and the Scarecrow Forest Part 1

The Scarecrow Forest is turning 5 this year.  The Scarecrow Forest opened its doors in 2009.  Penner Pumpkins, on the other hand, we aren’t sure when it started.

Penner Pumpkins started off as a hobby.  It was a way for three girls (Donna, Lorissa, and Brendalee) to make a little money.  I stay it started in 1990 because that is when we moved to our current location.  John, on the other hand, says it started a couple of years before 1990. So I guess  Penner Pumpkins is 20 and some odd years old.  Us girls would sell pumpkins at the end of the driveway and at Highway 12.  As we grew older TJ and Shirley took over.  In 2005 John, Shirley, and TJ went to St. Norbert’s Farmers’ Market.  When the director of the market came by and asked for their business name the three of them looked at each other and TJ blurted out “Penner Pumpkins”.  We went to St. Norbert’s Farmers’ Market for a few years and then stopped because it just got too busy for us. 

Lorissa transplanting.
 In 2008 we put up a 20 foot by 80 foot greenhouse.  We use the greenhouse to get a head start with our vegetables and use it to grow tomatoes and cucumbers.  We now grow an acre of vegetables, but our  main crop is still pumpkins, gourds, and Indian Corn.  Last year (2012) we expanded our acreage and now have 4-5 acres of pumpkins, gourds, and Indian Corn and still one acre of vegetables.  We sell our vegetables at Pineridge Hollow’s Farmers’ Market on Saturdays and on our home yard.  For more information on what vegetables are available and our hours please check our facebook page at:!/PennerPumpkins.

Lorissa and Shirley at Pineridge Hollow Farmers' Market.

 Lorissa Penner

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